
Our Events

Supporting Individuals with specific needs

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< 2021 >

We are taking an optimistic approach to re-scheduling and re-opening some of our venue locations based on the AHS STEP 1 APPROACH commencing February 8, we will be in negotiations with AHS and our venue supporters to ensure that we have the safest re-opening while adhering to these restrictions, please stay tuned to TARGETED PUBLIC HEALTH MEASURES FOR AIRDRIE.

We are taking an optimistic approach to re-scheduling and re-opening some of our venue locations based on the AHS STEP 1 APPROACH commencing February 8, we will be in negotiations with AHS and our venue supporters to ensure that we have the safest re-opening while adhering to these restrictions, please stay tuned to TARGETED PUBLIC HEALTH MEASURES FOR AIRDRIE.

We are taking an optimistic approach to re-scheduling and re-opening some of our venue locations based on the AHS STEP 1 APPROACH commencing February 8, we will be in negotiations with AHS and our venue supporters to ensure that we have the safest re-opening while adhering to these restrictions, please stay tuned to TARGETED PUBLIC HEALTH MEASURES FOR AIRDRIE.

We are taking an optimistic approach to re-scheduling and re-opening some of our venue locations based on the AHS STEP 1 APPROACH commencing February 8, we will be in negotiations with AHS and our venue supporters to ensure that we have the safest re-opening while adhering to these restrictions, please stay tuned to TARGETED PUBLIC HEALTH MEASURES FOR AIRDRIE.

Past Events & Activities